Saturday, February 10, 2007

Saturday Pebble Beach Television coverage

C'mon CBS...22 minutes into the television window???

On CELEBRITY SATURDAY at Pebble Beach, the United States' cathedral of golf???

In favor of some no-name college basketball game??? And here in Los Angeles, TWO college basketball games???

Almost makes you wistful for the GOLF CHANNEL'S coverage, doesn't it???

Seriously, once the festivities got going, the coverage was great, but let's give the event the full coverage that it's entitled to - it only happens once a year, and those NCAA guys will get their attention NEXT month during March Madness...

Oh, and uh, Danny Gans - I think you meant to say "'s just nice to look out at that water, and boy, it's hard NOT to believe in God when you see all this beauty, isn't it???" instead of ..."it's hard to believe in God when you see all of this beauty...", but that's were probably nervous to be on TV...but hey, you're a talent with all of those impersonations, and you hit some great looking shots and took some good looking swings out there...

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