Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Another reason why I'm glad we have dogs...continued

According to this report from AP, according to a recent survey taken by The Pew Research Center, "80 percent of 18- to 25-year-olds in this country see getting rich as a top life goal for their generation."

And they say that MTV doesn't encourage a creeping sense of materialism and entitlement...mark my words, you heard it here first....someday, archaeologists will trace the decline of Western civilization back to 8-1-81, the day that MTV was let loose on American culture...


The Armchair Golfer said...

Hi, I just discovered your golf blog and wondered if you would be interested in exchanging links. You can let me know at armchairgolfer@hotmail.com.

Kind regards,
The Armchair Golfer

TartanGolfGrips DotCom said...

If you like THIS blog, you should check out our PRIMARY blog, at timeforetee.blogspot.com - I've added links to yours both here AND there!
